April 8, 2022
Dear Valued Tourism Industry Partners,
As most of you are already aware, Virginia Beach is preparing for larger-than-usual crowds this weekend, April 8-10.
The City’s goal is the same as it is for all major events: to enable our visitors to enjoy their time in our city while making sure we are fully prepared to address issues such as crowds, traffic, safety and communication.
Please find the below information about what the City is doing to ensure that everyone has a safe, enjoyable time:
- VBPD and camera monitoring throughout the oceanfront this weekend
- Traffic Operations will work to minimize impacts of traffic in residential neighborhoods
- City crews will work to quickly empty trash receptacles and clean up the area
- Public safety will maintain access for emergency services (Police, Fire, EMS) to reach all neighborhoods and the oceanfront area
- In anticipation of heavy traffic, and to accommodate the larger-than-normal crowds entering the resort area this weekend, traffic on I-264 eastbound may be diverted at Parks Avenue and redirected westbound on I-264 as early as 7 p.m. on Friday, April 8; 5 p.m. on Saturday, April 9; and 5 p.m. on Sunday, April 10, until traffic is flowing safely. If a traffic diversion is necessary, the eastbound exit for South Birdneck Road and the westbound exit for First Colonial Road would be closed. Other indirect routes into the resort area would remain open. Residents who live in the oceanfront area are advised to plan trips early and avoid the interstate.
- The City welcomes and encourages everyone to have a safe, fun time. Activities such as public consumption of alcohol, use or sale of drugs, destruction of property, assault, and indecent exposure are prohibited. The Virginia Beach Police Department is committed to deescalating tense situations and seeking voluntary compliance for most infractions; however, individuals may be arrested if a given situation presents a danger to the public.
- Live entertainment at 17th and 24th Street stages from 7-10 p.m.
- Portable restrooms every block between 16th and 24th streets by beach access points off the Boardwalk
- The Resort Ambassador program will have increased staffing to answer questions
- Signage in place for businesses and the Boardwalk area
- Public announcements for safety on the Boardwalk via speakers
- A Student Outreach Center will be open to engage with local and visiting students (2015 Atlantic Ave. inside Coastal Hotel & Suites Virginia Beach Oceanfront)
- Public parking lots will be open – please note that the Atlantic Avenue on-street parking program has ended for the season
- Beach Operations will sweep the beach daily at 4 a.m.
Residents, business owners, and visitors are invited to provide feedback during and after the weekend using the PublicInput.com platform: www.publicinput.com/cbw22.The information contained above was shared with the CVB by the City Communication’s Office. Please refer to the links contained in their content for more information and note that all times are subject to change.
NTTW 2022 Awards Luncheon Registration Open
My team and I are excited with the progress we've made planning our 2022 Travel & Tourism Week (NTTW) celebration and awards program. Here are some updates: The award nominations closed out at almost 160 submissions, which is wonderful! Thanks to all who submitted nominations! The selection committee met to review every nomination, and has zeroed in on the winners whose names will remain sealed until our luncheon. On that note, I am very happy to share the luncheon registration link with all of you HERE.
Still Time To Sign Up for the Loonie Savers Program
My team and I stay committed to you and our industry. Please let us know if we can assist you.
Nancy Helman
CVB Director
